Daniel 11 Prophecy


Daniel 11:5
The king of the South will become strong, but one of his commanders will become even stronger than he and will rule his own kingdom with great power.


We are introduced to the king of the South (KOTS) whose territory was mainly Egypt and the Levant. KOTS is named as the territory in the most southern division of Alexander’s divided kingdom. The king here was Ptolemy I.

During the Diadoci wars, a prince under Ptolemy I eventually took over Syria (including Turkey). This was Seleucus I who is referred to as the king of the North (KOTN).

The reason for these terms is that the prophecy is from an Israeli perspective (Daniel was a Jew who was exiled from Jerusalem). These 2 powers are north and south of Israel. Throughout the prophecy (and on in to the end times), Israel was, and will again be, caught in the crossfire in the wars between these 2 kingdoms.

The map below shows where modern day Israel sits in relation to these kingdoms at the time prophesised in this verse.

Map of Israel and KOTN and KOTS Territories

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seleucus_I_Nicator
